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Introducing Avatar 2.0 - Instant Avatar

November 30, 2023

Introducing Avatar 2.0

Today we are proud to announce the public launch of our Avatar 2.0 (Instant Avatar), a groundbreaking development that redefines the landscape of personalized video production.

Rewind to three months ago, when we first teased the potential of Avatar 2.0 through our CEO Joshua Xu's Twitter reveal. The excitement and curiosity it sparked were just a hint of the transformation we were about to bring into the world of AI avatar technology.

Instant Avatar is our answer to the complexities and limitations of traditional video production. It's a tool that brings the high-end avatar technology, once confined to professional studios, right into your hands. With just your mobile device or laptop, you can now create a high-end avatar in a mere 5 minutes. This leap in technology and convenience is not just an upgrade; it's a complete overhaul of how we think about and create digital personas.

Empowering Content Creators

The implications for content creators, marketing teams, and sales professionals are immense. Instant Avatar breaks down the barriers to producing scalable, personalized video content. It empowers users to send out personalized video messages, create engaging content, and connect with their audience in a way that was previously impossible without significant investment in time and resources.

Coupled with our innovative video translation tool launched in September, Instant Avatar represents a synergy of technologies. It's now simpler than ever to create multilingual content with realistic lip-syncing and voice matching, enhancing the global reach and accessibility of your content.

But this is more than just a technological advancement; it's a step towards democratizing professional video production. By making high-quality video production accessible to all businesses, we're breaking down the traditional barriers of cost and complexity. Avatar 2.0 embodies our vision to empower every individual and business with the ability to tell their story, their way.

Step into the Future

We invite you to be a part of this revolution. When logged in, click on the “Free Instant Avatar” button, where you'll find a guided experience by our CEO, Joshua Xu, and start creating your personal avatar. It's time to step into the future of video content creation - a future where your voice, your story, and your vision can come to life with unprecedented ease and personalization.

Please check out the amazing showcases from our early beta community.

Welcome to the world of Instant Avatar, where every interaction is personal, every message is engaging, and every creator has the power to inspire.

Create your Instant Avatar now!